Creative Schools

Creative Schools is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme to enable the creative potential of every child. Creative Schools is led by the Arts Council in partnership with the Department of Education and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. The Creative Schools initiative supports...

Marine/River Environment Workshop

We had Martina Butler from “Heritage in Schools” visit our school on May, 11th. She provided a workshop on Marine/River Environment for 5th & 6th class. The workshop tied in nicely with our next Green Schools’ theme - Global Citizenship Marine Environment. The children explored real sea/freshwater plants and animals...

#TableTennisTakeOver Day

#FeelGoodFriday #TableTennisTakeover: Friday, April 28th The April #FeelGoodFriday falls on the Friday of national ‘Active School Week’ (#ASW23). On this day we are asking ALL schools, primary and post primary, to find a large space (indoors or outdoors) to set up a table tennis playing area. Throughout this #TableTennisTakeOver day as...

Gymnastics with School Fitness Ireland

“School Fitness Ireland is Irelands No.1 outsourced P.E provider trusted by nearly 400 principals nationwide. We provide expert professional coaches to both primary and secondary schools to deliver students favourite high quality, progressive and inclusive activities such as Gymnastics, Yoga, Boxercise, Dancing, Zumba, Karate and Self Defense” (taken from

Junior Fitness Fun with Ryan

On Thursday, we had Ryan, local fitness Instructor and parent in for some fitness classes! All the children from Infants up to sixth class took part! There were even tractors, trailers and spuds used to help us get in shape! A very enjoyable day had by all!

Action from #ASW23

The children were given ample opportunities to be active each day for Active School Week 2023! Junior & Senior Infants - PE Stations Basketball - 3rd & 4th Class On Monday Ciarán Mac Eochaidh, a county development officer for Longford GAA took the children from 1st to 6th class for...

WOW Day 2023

We had a WOW day – Walk on Wednesday – as part of our Active School Week on April 26th. It was a great way to tie in with being a Green School which is coordinated by Ms. Mulligan. The new walkway is a lovely facility to have leading from...

A trip to the local playground

We are very lucky to have an outdoor play space on our doorstep - a fully equipped playground with a vippy seesaw, senior and junior swing seats, talk tubes, stepping blocks and an astro turf! As part of Active School Week 2023 we decided to make use of the local...

May Newsletter

Here is our newsletter for May 2023. Lots going on in St. Patrick’s this month - First Holy Communion, computer classes, European Day, Creative Schools, our Annual Bake sale and much more.. May-23-newsletterDownload

Active School Week 2023

We are all looking forward to Active School Week this week. Our Active School Committee 2023 You can download your Active at Home charts here to keep track of all your activities throughout the week. Make sure to check back for the Active Challenges each day during ASW23 Active at...

Easter Egg Hunt 2023

Junior and Senior Infants took part in our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, March 31st. It was a lovely way to end Term 2 for the children. We even had a visit from the Easter Bunny. Thanks to our Parents’ Association for the eggs and to the parents who...

March Newsletter 2023

Please find attached a PDF & PNG version of our latest school newsletter with all the latest news and important dates to mark in your diary. March Newsletter 23.pdfDownload

New GAA Kit

A huge thank you to Paddy Collum and Emmet Noonan of EMPA Sportswear for sponsoring a brand new set of GAA jerseys for our school. Also thank you to Enda Mc Gahern of Fr Mannings Gaels for sponsoring new togs and socks. Our children will really look the part...