The boys and girls worked very hard in groups to create poster presentations on an animal of their choosing. The posters were fantastic and they all presented very well.
Author: admin
5th and 6th Class Presentations
World Book Day 2022
World Book Day encourages children of all ages to explore the pleasure of books and reading. We celebrated World Book Day on March 3rd 2022 in St. Patrick’s. Well done to everyone who dressed up as their favourite book character on the day.
5th and 6th Class Drama
The boys and girls performed their very own dramas. They worked very hard and created their own scripts based on either of the themes of ‘space’ or ‘the environment’. The standard was very impressive,well done to all
February Newsletter
Valentines Art in the 5th and 6th Class Room
The boys and girls were busy creating wonderful artwork based on the work of popartist 'Burton Morris'
Artist Study
The boys and girls in 5th and 6th Class recently learned about the artist 'Georgia O' Keefe'. Afterwards they created these drawings inspired by her work.
WOW Day in St. Patrick’s
We had an early start this morning taking part in our WOW Day (Walk on Wednesday) as part of the Green-Schools programme and Active schools programme that we are involved in.. We all met at the ‘98 Hall in Ballinamuck and walked the full kilometre to our school. Well done...
The Vets
Take a look at how much fun we had learning about the Vets through Aistear for the month of February. We even took into account the COVID restrictions by wearing masks at the role play area. We had a play dough station, a construction/sand/water station and a small world station....
St. Valentine’s Day 2022 in the Infants Classroom
We had lots of fun in Junior and Senior Infants on Valentine’s Day. We made books drawing pictures of all the things we love. We also learned a dance. We hope you enjoy.
Trad Group in 5th & 6th Class
Ms. Mulligan has been very busy working with 5th & 6th class. Some of the instruments they are using include; Banjo, Bodhran, Tin whistles, fiddles, percussion instruments and the spoons.. Here is a snippet of what they have being doing.. Oró sé do breatha abhaile, The Kerry Polka and the...
The Ballinamuck Times
Read or download your copy of The Ballinamuck Times - January Edition Read the latest school news, top five facts about horses, brain teasers and much more…. January 2022 BT.pdfDownload
Eleathanach 31ú Eanáir 2022
Eleathanach 31ú2022.pdfDownload
Safer Internet Day 2022
We are participating in Safer Internet Day 2022. Please find information below for an internet safety parent talk. Free Event: teachers, parents and guardians all welcome to join; compliments of Trend Micro’s Internet Safety for Kids and Families Programme. (ISKF) Topics covered safety, privacy, managing time online, gaming, social networks...
5th and 6th class art
Here are some of the art work completed in the 5th and 6th class room since Christmas.
St Brigid’s Day
The boys and girls in 5th and 6th class have worked very hard this week on the theme of St Brigid, you can see some samples of the work they completed in the photo, such as: St Brigid's crosses, a cloze procedure based on the life of St Brigid, a...
St.Patrick’s N.S joins over 500 Primary Schools nationwide saying ‘Yes’ to Languages!
Forty-one children from third to sixth class pupils from St. Patrick’s N.S. are taking part in the new Primary Language Sampler starting on the 9th of February. The sampler module is a means for raising awareness among pupils of the range of languages used by their peers, in their schools...
St. Brigid’s Day 2022
We were very busy in the Junior classes remembering our Patron Saint. Infants improvised by making crosses using blocks, Lego, play dough, pipe cleaners and lollipop sticks while 1st - 4th made crosses from rushes. Some lovely creations. Well done everyone.
Catholic Schools Week
The 5th and 6th Class boys and girls were very busy and created these fantastic posters based on the theme 'Live Life to the Full'
January Newsletter