Healthy Eating

Third and Fourth Class were very busy this month taking part in our ‘Food Dudes Week’ and they also learnt about ‘The Food Pyramid’ in SPHE. Here are some lovely examples.

Ballinamuck Times

Read or download your copy of The Ballinamuck Tines - November 2021 Edition. This month’s edition is packed with the latest news, facts about zebras, jokes, puzzles and much more. Ballinamuck Times November 2021.pdfDownload

Green-Schools News

This year we are hoping to receive our seventh Green-Schools flag. The theme this year is Global Citizenship- Energy. Our school will revise the Energy theme and look at issues surrounding energy use globally. Meet our new Green-Schools Committee 2021

Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2021

Team Hope’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign that delivers gifts to children affected by poverty. We are delighted to have taken part again this year. Thank you to everyone who took the time to put a box together. They were collected this morning and will be delivered to...

Parent-focused public health advice about COVID-19 symptoms.

Please see link below for parent-focused public health advice about COVID-19 symptoms. See the image below for a list of symptoms to check for before sending your child to school. If your child has any new onset symptoms and feels unwell or seems off form, do not send them...

Ballinamuck Times October Edition

October1.pdfDownload oct2.pdfDownload oct3.pdfDownload Ballinamuck Times have not disappointed with this month's edition. Hairs are sure to stand on the back of the head! Watch out for some hidden treasures! Happy Halloween to all in Ballinamuck.

SPAR National Tree Day 2021

National Tree Day 2021 was held on Thursday, October 7th. The Tree Council of Ireland along with SPAR were giving away up to 1,500 Irish native Wild Cherry saplings. We were very lucky to get some. Our student Council did a great job planting the saplings. We are looking forward...

Annual Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will visit our school from Monday, the 18th - 22nd October. The Book Fair provides a fantastic selection of books for all ages from award winning authors. Every book sold will help earn free books/resources for our school. celtic-travelling-books-invitation-autumn-2021-2028922.pdfDownload Click on the link to view all...

The Ballinamuck Times

Here is the September 2021 edition of the Ballinamuck Times. Read or download the latest edition below. As always, it is jampacked with news, fun and all the usual great features. September2021BallinamuckTimes.pdfDownload

European Sports Day

St.Patrick's National School, Ballinamuck was proud to take part in European Sports Day on Friday last, 24th September 2021. The theme for European Sports Day 2021 was the positive influences or benefits sport/exercise have on our mental health. Photos and links to follow

Nature walk in First & Second Class

This September we got the chance to take advantage of our beautiful school surroundings and indeed our fine weather by taking a nature walk around our school. We collected many different types of leaves and brought them back to the classroom to examine.


Congratulations to all the children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday afternoon. Best Wishes to you all in your future lives.