The Green-Schools Programme is a long-term and continuous environmental awareness programme that promotes the importance of looking after and protecting our Environment. The children learn that each individual has the obligation to conserve, improve and respect our environment and this in turn leads to a heightened sense of pride in a community.
St. Patrick’s National School is a Green-School. Our School has been involved in the Green Schools Programme since 2006. We are very proud to have earned six individual Green Flags to date, for our work in the following areas:
- Litter and Waste – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (2009)
- Energy – Conserving Energy (2011)
- Water -Water Conservation (2013)
- Travel – Promoting sustainable Transport Modes (2015)
- Biodiversity – Promoting the importance of plants, animals and habitats (2017)
- Global Citizenship Litter and Waste – Benefits of reducing waste on the wider community (2019)
- Global Citizenship – Energy
We are now working on a new theme Global Citizenship – Marine Environment
Green Schools News

Biodiversity in the School Garden
Heritage in Schools announced 100 free visits for schools during Biodiversity Week (19th to 28th May 2023). We were very lucky to have Ann visit

Marine/River Environment Workshop
We had Martina Butler from “Heritage in Schools” visit our school on May, 11th. She provided a workshop on Marine/River Environment for 5th & 6th

Fun in the Garden
Some of the pupils were very busy helping our SNA Mary in the garden. It was lovely to see the children so interested in sowing